Tools Wishlist

  • "SimpleAnimation" component that replicates the legacy Animation component in Playables API
  • A solid DelayedAction system
  • Automatic Convex Decompositions Editor tool ( )
  • Nested Prefabs
  • 'CompactArray' class or utility
  • Generic IK chain and physics anim rigs using the upcoming AnimationJobs Compute API
  • All-purpose, high-quality FirstPerson character controller compatible with VR that you can just drop in your project and it works
  • Proper LOD system with dithered transitions, material handling, custom logic handling, etc....
  • DebugExtensions utility library for:
    • drawing lines, spheres, boxes, capsules, meshes, etc.... with options for drawing in play mode or in builds as well (useful for vizualizing hitboxes or raycasts in a "debug mode" in builds)
    • DrawCollider(Collider coll)
    • DrawHierarchy(Transform root, bool displayAxis)
    • writing text logs on screen (ala UE4)
    • Debug.Beep(float pitch)
    • GraphUtility that draws debug graphs on screen with GL.Draw (useful for vizualizing velocity over time, etc....)
  • Dev console that is completely independent from any project and can be extended by adding static methods with attributes
  • Localization system (for strings, audio, custom logic, etc....)
  • Build configuration tool (save build configs as .assets)
  • Simple GameObject/Prefab pooling system

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